Profit split and Pay out 


The first payout is 80% of the profits.

From the second payout onward, traders receive 85% of the profits.

After Scale up 95%

First payment will be after four weeks and every two weeks (14 Days) after the first payment  

Requirements for the first payment:  

  • Minimum 7 trading days  

Traders can request a payout through dashboard once met all the requirements and complied with all the rules.  

Payout dates:  

Payouts are made on the second and last Tuesday of every month.

Please note that if any of rules are violated trader will not be able to withdraw or request a payout on profits.   

  • Example 1: let’s say you have a $10,000 account and you are $300 in profit if rules are violated you will not be able to withdraw the $300 profit. 
  • Example 2: Let’s imagine you have $50,000 account and you are $5000 in profit, if you lose $3000 you will not be able to withdraw the remaining $2000 (profit) since the 5% daily drawdown limit is triggered and it will be considered a violation of the rules. 


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